Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Famous Artists & Art

This school year the Motivational Achievement Center students
will be introduced to great art and artists.

It is important for children to know
 how powerful art can be.

Artists have had a strong effect on history.
Artist use their art-making to understand themselves and the world better.

They also use their art to communicate with others.

Our first artist is Georgia O'Keeffe. 

She was born in 1887 on a farm in Wisconsin
 and lived till she was 98 years old.

She wanted to be an artist even when she was a young girl.

She learned to communicate

her thoughts, 


 and ideas

through her painting.

Georgia O’Keeffe followed her heart when painting
instead of trying to please others.

She was known for painting small things like flowers very large.

Nobody sees a flower…
It is so small it takes time…
We haven’t time…
And to see takes time,
Like to have a friend takes time.
Georgia O’Keeffe

Georgia became well known in her late twenties and made art well into her late 90s.

In her art, she liked the idea of expressing herself
through using line, color and shading in a harmonious way.
“Colors and shapes make a more definite statement than words.”

She lived for a long time, and her art career was long and accomplished:

 she made more than a thousand pieces of art.

1 comment:

  1. I love that last quote that you shared. Fear is something you can work with and work through and overcome! Georgia O'Keefe was a great artist!
