Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Welcome Everyone
Mrs. Simones' Studio-rama

 How exciting, an Art Therapy website! 
What a wonderful way to start the new year.
There is now a place for everyone to post 
what is going on with Art Therapy
in the Alton School District.
Parent and student involvement

 has been a priority this year

at the

Motivational Achievement Center

We had our first Family Night 
on December 3, 2015 from 5:30 to 6:30 pm.

It was a great success!!!

The theme of the night was to 
“come and see how your children are learning
 to manage their emotions with art”.
 Fourteen families attended and enjoyed a fun-filled evening
of dinner, family photos and art making.

Families learned about “self- regulation”, which is how we respond to stressful situations. 
 It is how we deal with our feelings, thoughts and behaviors. 
We talked about three specific types 
of self-regulation.

Emotional self-regulation,
which is how we express and experience our feelings.

Behavioral self-regulation,
which is how we control our emotions and

Cognitive self-regulation,
which is how we solve our problems.

We talked about how - 

“Children who learn to control themselves and make good choices do better socially and academically in school”
Megan McClelland, Oregon State University
Children who can control themselves
 can concentrate and
 learn new things better.  
They can ignore distractions and stressors and
 have stronger friendships and relationships.

Families were introduced to two ways of 
Regulating their emotions.
It is important to be able to recognize when we are experiencing emotional stress so we can be emotionally aware.
Is to learn techniques to change the intensity of emotional reactions.

Studies show that 
doing repetitive work with one’s hands 
in order to produce a rewarding outcome 
has been proven to have a positive effect on emotions.
Kelly Lambert, PhD (2010)

Repetitive activities we enjoy 

offer the possibility

 for reduction of 

distressful emotions.

                         Different ways

 to change 

the intensity of emotions
were discussed.


Families received 
Art Boxes 
with art materials and coloring pages.

   Coloring pages, 



"Tangle Doodling" 

were introduced. 

and families created a "Creativity Wheel" together.


Now it is time for our

Second Semester Family Night!

If you have not signed up it is not too late.

Give the school a call
(618) 463-2063
let us know how many adults and children will be attending.

We also will be taking family photos again, 
so come 15 minutes early!
See you at 5:15 pm.



  1. Have a great Family Night Mrs. Simones and MAC Families!

  2. Mac's Families and Mrs. Simones, Happy Art!!! Have a wonderful and fulfilling evening!
