Friday, December 16, 2016

Thanks for making 
the “Winter Family Night”
at the Motivational Achievement Center
A Huge Success!

We had
 a Great Turn Out,
Great Food
the Most Creative, 
Fun Families 
in the School District 


made our awesome dinner at Family Night possible by discounting the cost. 

Have a Safe and Happy Winter Break!

 Remember H O L I D A Y S
H         Share Happy moments!  (“Special Time” – 5 minutes)
O       Organization  (Make plans – shopping, wrapping, traveling, etc.)
L        Leading  by example
I        Ignoring  (ignoring minor child misbehavior/chose battles)
D       Developing Rules   (and other clear expectations)
A       Anticipating  (try to identify the types of challenges your child may experience,  
                                     likely starting with boredom.)
Y       You  (practice good self-care and manage your own stress)

S        Structure   (Maintaining good daily routines is essential).

                              *This includes sticking to your child’s sleep and mealtime routine.                                                       *You can also create a daily schedule that includes planned activities, 
                                       downtime,  and times when any mandatory activities must be completed
                                       (school assignments, chores, etc.).                  
                              *You can be a “littlelooser” over the holidays, but don’t abandon all structure.

“Happy Holiday Parenting, Preventing and Managing Challenging Child Behavior Over the Holidays”, Yamalis Diaz, Ph.D.

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