Friday, March 10, 2017

Art Classes

at the

Motivational Achievement Center

Second through Eighth Graders are participating in art education groups with Mrs. Simones.

The groups are focused on standard-based curriculum expectations.

Second and Third Graders

Were introduced
to "color theory"



their own

color wheels.

They also experienced working with clay by creating and glazing clay, heart-shaped pinch-pots


 Fourth and Fifth Graders

Were also introduced

to "color theory"



their own
color wheels,
Tertiary Colors. 

They also experienced working with clay by creating and glazing clay, heart-shaped pinch-pots.

Sixth Graders
Have been studying Greek culture in social studies.

Art classes introduced students to Greek mythical creatures and ceramic art. 

They made their own clay, pinch-pot monsters in response to the mythical creatures they learned about.

Eighth Graders

Were introduced to Graffiti Art,

which tied into their enrichment book,

"We Were Here "

and helped the students begin to understand 
what constitutes a "work of art".

They are learning about "color theory" 
and are making

"Graffiti Name Color Wheels".



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